Friday, August 29, 2008

Malaysian Chess Festival 2008 - GM Yasser Seirawan Simul

GM Yasser Seirawan with his famous d4 opening took on 3o players in a simul match last night. Dato' Tan Chin Nam and fellow MCF officials also took the opportunity to challenge the Grandmaster at his own game. After a few quick losses amongst the players Faizal Andin secured a draw and soon after a win by Lee Mun Keong. This was followed by two more draws through Mohd Irman and Justin Ong . From then on there were strings of losses on the participants.

The game with Fariz Shafruddin however crossed over the midnight. The chess clock was set at 5 minutes each so as not to drag on any longer in a knight vs bishop end game. A wrong knight turn was duly punished by Fariz's passed pawns and he had to concede another loss.

All in all GM Yasser won 25 games, 2 losses and 3 draws played over 4 1/2 hours.