A new chess centre has recently been established to replace The Chess Network. Located in the same Kompleks Wilayah but at the 4th Floor is the
Dato' Arthur Tan Chess Centre. The Centre is able to comfortably accommodate 80 pax although the last weekend CAS-Octagon Allegro pushed the capacity to the brim with a turnout of 100 pax. Kompleks Wilayah, albeit aged, is strategically located within easy access to the city's main public transport system. More importantly chess organisers would not have to grope around looking for suitable halls with ready facilities while players are assured the convenience of location and comfort.
The Centre also have a library of chessbooks. Thus in addition to holding of competitions, the place can also serve as a meeting point for other chess activities such as training, meetings and the like.

A view of the main playing area - CAS has since held two Allegro tournaments and although there is still a glitch, an air-conditioner malfunctioned last weekend, that should be easily rectified

Another view at the rear - another dedicated air-conditioner here would provide better comfort
The place is currently manned by IA Hamid Majid, with the full backing of MCF Hon President Dato' Tan Chin Nam. For the record the Centre is endorsed as a playing venue for MCF and affiliates.